hanuman jayanti sarangpur kashtabhanjan dev king of sarangpur hanuman - Sarangpur Hanuman Mandir
king of sarangpur hanumanking of sarangpur hanuman

hanuman jayanti sarangpur kashtabhanjan dev king of sarangpur hanuman

King of Salangpur Opening Ceremony: सलंगपुर धाम में देश की पहली पंचधातु 54 फीट हनुमान जी की मूर्ति का अनावरण

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

वर्तमान में सलंगपुर धाम में 54 फीट ऊंची हनुमानजी की देश की पहली पंचधातु मूर्ति का अनावरण किया गया। तो गुजराती जागरण आपके लिए पल-पल इस ऐतिहासिक पल के लाइव अपडेट लेकर आया है।

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

खास बात यह है कि इस भव्य आयोजन में वड़ताल गढ़ी आचार्य राकेश प्रसाद दास व वरिष्ठ संतों सहित लाखों श्रद्धालु मौजूद हैं। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत में स्वागत के बाद अलग-अलग प्रस्तुतियां होंगी। हनुमान की प्रतिमा के अनावरण के बाद शाम दियारा का कार्यक्रम होगा। जिसमें उस्मान मीर और निर्मलदान गढ़वी भक्ति गीत गाएंगे। king of sarangpur hanuman

king of sarangpur hanuman Video

पूरा कार्यक्रम


समय कार्यक्रम
5.00 To 5.30 धुन कीर्तन
5.30 To 6.30 सभा आन्दोलन – संत वार्ता – कीर्तन भक्ति – हरिभक्तों का सम्मान
6.30 To 6.35 आचार्य महाराज श्री स्वागत
6.35 To 7.15 संत व्याख्यान – पं. नीलकंठचरणदासजी स्वामी, पं. नौतमप्रकाशदासजी स्वामी, पं. ज्ञानजीवनदासजी स्वामी, पं. देवप्रकाशदासजी स्वामी – अध्यक्ष श्री वड़तालधाम, गुरु विष्णुप्रकाश दासजी स्वामी, 108 लालजी महाराज, पं. शुकदेवप्रसादजी स्वामी
7.15 To 7.25 king of sarangpur hanuman उद्घाटन
7.25 To 7.45 king of sarangpur hanuman प्रथम पूजन
7.45 To 8.00 king of sarangpur hanumanउद्घाटन नृत्य (राजा रे राजा रे सलंगपुर या राजा रे)
8.00 To 8.10 king of sarangpur hanuman  लाइट एंड साउंड शो (मेन सलंगपुर गांव I)
8.10 To 8.15 king of sarangpur hanuman  यजमान श्री सम्मान
8.15 To 8.35 संत प्रवचन – पं. संतवल्लभ स्वामी, पं. हरिप्रकाश दासजी स्वामी, पं. आचार्य महाराज श्री
8.35 To 8.40 king of sarangpur hanuman अग्नि पूजा
8.45 To 8.55 सालंगपुर के राजा सामूहिक आरती

लॉन्च इवेंट में लाखों लोग शामिल हुए।

हनुमान जयंती: ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की प्रतिमा का अनावरण, जानिए 54 फीट ऊंची प्रतिमा की विशेषताएं

Hanuman jayanti king of sarangpur : हनुमान जयंती की पूर्व संध्या पर, गुजरात के सलंगपुर में प्रसिद्ध श्री कस्तभंजन मंदिर में 54 फीट ऊंची ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की प्रतिमा का अनावरण किया गया है। जानिए इस विशाल और भव्य प्रतिमा के बारे में पूरी जानकारी

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

गुजरात के सलंगपुर में विश्व प्रसिद्ध श्री कस्तभंजन देव मंदिर में ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की विशाल प्रतिमा का अनावरण किया गया है। हनुमान जयंती की पूर्व संध्या पर अब श्रद्धालु सालंगपुर स्थित हनुमानजी की इस विशाल प्रतिमा के दर्शन कर सकेंगे। ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की मूर्ति को लगभग 7 किमी की दूरी से देखा जा सकता है। गौरतलब है कि देश के गृह मंत्री अमित शाह गुरुवार को हनुमान जयंती पर सलंगपुर के राजा ‘सलंगपुर’ के दर्शन करने सलंगपुर आएंगे.

सलंगपुर के राजा’ मूर्ति की विशेषता

सलंगपुर में हनुमान दादा की विशाल मूर्ति का अनावरण किया गया है। 54 फीट ऊंची मूर्ति को ‘सलंगपुर का राजा’ नाम दिया गया है और भक्त इसे लगभग चार किमी की दूरी से देख सकते हैं। जानिए ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की खास बातें…

54 Feet king of sarangpur hanuman

‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की मूर्ति 54 फीट ऊंची है। इस मूर्ति का मुकुट 7 फीट लंबा और 7.5 फीट चौड़ा है और मुखारविंद 6.5 फीट लंबा और 7.5 फीट चौड़ा है। इस हनुमान दादा की मूर्ति की भुजाएँ 6.5 फीट लंबी और 4 फीट चौड़ी हैं। तो पैर 8.5 फुट लंबे और 4 फुट चौड़े हैं। हनुमान दादा के दादा 27 फुट लंबे और 8.5 फुट चौड़े हैं।

‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की मूर्ति का वजन 30 हजार किलो है

‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की मूर्ति पंचधातु से बनी है और पंचधातु की मोटाई 7 मिमी है। 54 फीट ऊंची प्रतिमा हरियाणा के मानेसर में बनी है और इसका वजन 30 हजार किलोग्राम है और यह लगभग 5000 साल तक खड़ी रहने के लिए मजबूत और भूकंप प्रतिरोधी है। इस विशाल प्रतिमा के आधार को बनाने में एक वर्ष से अधिक का समय लगा और यह 50,000 ठोस ग्रेनाइट चट्टान और 30,000 क्यूबिक फीट चूना क्रोनकाइट से बना है। इस भव्य प्रतिमा को बनाने में लगभग 200 से 300 कारीगरों ने प्रत्येक दिन आठ घंटे काम किया है। यह प्रोजेक्ट 1,45,888.49 वर्ग मीटर क्षेत्र में तैयार किया गया है। इस प्रतिमा को आधार बनाने में मकराना के पत्थरों का प्रयोग किया गया है

आधुनिक तकनीक से प्रतिमा का निर्माण

‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ की प्रतिमा के निर्माण में अत्याधुनिक तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया गया है। प्रतिमा को जीवंत और भव्य बनाने के लिए इसके निर्माण में 3डी प्रिंटर, 3डी राउटर और सीएनसी मशीनों का इस्तेमाल किया गया है। प्रतिमा मजबूत और भूकंप प्रतिरोधी है जो लगभग 5000 वर्षों तक खड़ी रह सकती है। इस प्रतिमा को लगभग 7 किमी की दूरी से देखा जा सकता है।


‘सलंगपुर के राजा’: 7 किमी दूर से दिखेगी दादा की 54 फीट ऊंची प्रतिमा, देखें तस्वीरें king of sarangpur hanuman

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

कहा जाता है कि श्राद्ध का दूसरा नाम सलंगपुर धाम है। जो अब आने वाले दिनों में ‘सलंगपुर के राजा’ के नाम से जाना जाएगा। अगली दीवाली तक आप सलंगपुर से 7 किमी दूर होने पर भी सलंगपुर के दादा के दर्शन कर सकेंगे।

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

सलंगपुर के दादाजी की मूर्ति की स्थापना के बाद सलंगपुर के पूरे ढांचे को उलट दिया जाएगा। सलंगपुर मंदिर में 54 फीट की विशाल प्रतिमा स्थापित की जाएगी। ताकि दादाजी को 7 किमी की दूरी से भी देखा जा सके।

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

मूर्ति पंचधातु से बनेगी और इसे हरियाणा के गुरुग्राम में आकार दिया जा रहा है। इस मूर्ति का वजन 30 हजार किलो होगा।यह मंदिर कुल 1,35,000 वर्ग फीट क्षेत्रफल में आकार लेगा। दादा की इस मूर्ति का डिजाइन और मार्गदर्शन कुंडलन ज्ञानजीवनदास स्वामी द्वारा निर्देशित किया गया था।

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

दादा की मूर्ति को दक्षिण की ओर मुख करके 13 फीट के आधार पर स्थापित किया जाएगा। – 7 किलोमीटर दूर से दिखेगी यह मूर्ति – किंग ऑफ सलंगपुर प्रोजेक्ट 1,35,000 वर्ग फीट में आकार लेगा।

king of sarangpur hanuman
king of sarangpur hanuman

परियोजना हिंदू धर्म की कला, संस्कृति और गौरव का प्रतीक होगी – मूर्ति को 3 से 4 चरणों में स्थापित किया जाएगा। – दादा की मूर्ति बढ़ाएगी सलंगपुर की शान – दादा की मूर्ति के सामने बनेगा गार्डन। – एम्फीथिएटर में 1500 दर्शक बैठकर लाइट एंड साउंड फाउंटेन शो का लुत्फ उठा सकते हैं।

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

इस प्रकार श्रद्धालुओं को कुछ ही दिनों में सलंगपुर स्थित विश्व प्रसिद्ध कष्टभंजनदेव हनुमान मंदिर में एक नया नजारा देखने को मिलेगा।आपको बता दें कि मूल रूप से राजस्थान के रहने वाले नरेशभाई कुमावत ने इस मूर्ति का निर्माण किया था।

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple Guide | Darshan Timings, Poojas & History

The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to king of sarangpur hanuman, located in Sarangpur village in the Indian state of Gujarat. The temple is believed to have been built in the early 1900s, and it is one of the most popular king of sarangpur hanuman in Gujarat.

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

The main idol in the temple is of king of sarangpur hanuman, who is believed to have manifested himself in the idol. The idol is said to have healing powers, and people from all over the country come to offer their prayers and seek blessings from Lord Hanuman.

The temple is managed by the Swaminarayan Sampraday, a Hindu sect, and it is open to people of all faiths. The temple is known for its beautiful architecture and intricate carvings, which are a testament to the skill of the artisans who built it.

One of the unique features of the temple is the practice of offering prayers to king of sarangpur hanuman by slapping the back of one’s own neck. This is said to be a way of awakening the dormant energy within oneself and connecting with Lord Hanuman’s powerful energy.

Overall, the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a sacred place of worship that attracts devotees from all over the world who seek spiritual solace and blessings from king of sarangpur hanuman

Information Timings / Details
Pooja Time 5:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 7:00 PM
Aarti Time 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM
Darshan Time 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Mandir Open Time 24 hours
Prasadam Timings 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Nearest City Botad (approximately 10 km away)


Sarangpur Hanuman Temple Timings

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is open from 6 am to 12 pm. There is an afternoon break in darshan from 12 pm to 3 pm. The temple reopens again at 3 pm and closes at 9 pm. Mangla Aarti is performed at the temple in the morning at 5:30 am.

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 
  • Tuesday and Saturday are devoted to Hanumanji, it is designated day for a special ritualistic for those affected by mental illness, stress and other disorder.
  • Temple is open from 3 pm to 9 pm everyday.
  • Rajbhog is performed from 10.30 am to 11 am and the darshan is closed for it.
  • A special Shangar Aarti is performed on every Tuesdays and Saturdays at 7.00 am.
  • The evening aarti at Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is performed depending upon the sunsets.

king of sarangpur hanuman Temple Food Timings

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple in Gujarat, India serves food to its devotees during specific timings. If you are planning a visit to the temple and wish to partake in the temple’s food offerings, here is some information that may be helpful:

The temple serves a free lunch (prasad) to its visitors every day. The prasad is usually distributed after the noon aarti, which takes place around 12:00 pm. The exact timings may vary depending on the temple’s schedule, so it’s best to confirm with the temple authorities before planning your visit.

In addition to the free lunch, the temple also offers breakfast and dinner to its devotees on payment basis. The breakfast is served between 8:00 am to 9:30 am and dinner is served between 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Again, these timings may vary depending on the temple’s schedule, so it’s best to confirm with the temple authorities.

Overall, the king of sarangpur hanuman Temple offers a wholesome spiritual and culinary experience to its visitors. Make sure to check the timings beforehand to plan your visit accordingly.

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

Food is served free to all visitors at the temple’s dining room. This dining room is run by the temple’s trust as well as the Swaminarayana temple located in the same complex. Around 5,000 people take prasad in the form of lunch daily. On donations to the temple, one is given prasad in the form of sukhdis which is a Gujarati sweet.

  • The Bal Bhog is served from 6:30 to 7:30 in the morning.
  • The Raj Bhog is served from 10:30 to 11:00 in the morning.

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple – Aarti Details

details of the aarti at Sarangpur Hanuman Temple:

  1. Mangala Aarti: The first aarti of the day is performed early in the morning, usually at 5:00 AM. The aarti is performed to awaken the deity and to start the day on an auspicious note.
  2. Shringar Aarti: The second aarti of the day is performed at 7:00 AM, after the deity is bathed and dressed in new clothes. This aarti is performed to offer the deity flowers, incense, and other offerings.
  3. Rajbhog Aarti: The third aarti is performed at noon when the deity is offered a grand feast of food and sweets. This aarti is also known as the “Rajbhog” aarti.
  4. Utthapan Aarti: The fourth aarti is performed in the evening, usually around 6:00 PM. This aarti is performed to wake up the deity from his afternoon nap.
  5. Sandhya Aarti: The fifth aarti is performed at sunset when the deity is offered lamps and incense. This aarti is also known as the “Sandhya” aarti.
  6. Shayan Aarti: The final aarti of the day is performed at night, usually around 10:00 PM. This aarti is performed to put the deity to sleep for the night.

The aarti at king of sarangpur hanuman Temple is performed with great devotion and is attended by a large number of devotees. The temple is open throughout the day, and devotees can participate in the aarti as per their convenience.

Significance of Sarangpur Hanuman Temple

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

king of sarangpur hanuman Temple is considered to be one of the most significant temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman in India. Here are some of the reasons why the temple is so revered:

  1. Belief in miraculous powers: The temple is believed to have the power to cure diseases and provide relief from various problems. Devotees from all over the world visit the temple seeking the blessings of Lord Hanuman.
  2. Historical significance: The temple was built in the late 19th century by Swaminarayan, the founder of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. The temple is known for its unique architecture, which blends Hindu and Islamic styles.
  3. Connection to Lord Hanuman: The temple is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, who is revered in Hinduism for his strength, courage, and devotion. The deity in the temple is believed to be particularly powerful and capable of fulfilling the wishes of devotees.
  4. Association with the Swaminarayan Sampraday: The temple is affiliated with the Swaminarayan Sampraday, which is a sect of Hinduism that emphasizes the importance of devotion to God and living a virtuous life.
  5. Vibrant atmosphere: The temple is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with devotees singing bhajans and performing aarti throughout the day. The temple is a hub of spiritual activity and is considered to be a place of peace and tranquility.

Overall, the king of sarangpur hanuman Temple is a significant pilgrimage site for Hindus and is known for its miraculous powers, historical significance, and association with Lord Hanuman and the Swaminarayan Sampraday.

Sarangpur Hanuman Temple History

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 


The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is located in the Sarangpur village of Gujarat, India, and is one of the most famous temples dedicated to Lord Hanuman. The temple is also known as “Kashtbhanjan Hanuman Mandir,” which means “the remover of all troubles.”

The history of the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple dates back to the early 20th century when a devotee named Gopalanand Swami discovered the idol of king of sarangpur hanuman in a nearby forest. The idol was buried in the ground, and Gopalanand Swami was believed to have had a divine vision that led him to the location.

The temple was then constructed in 1905 under the guidance of Shri Gopalanand Swami himself, and it is said that the temple was built in just three months. The temple’s main attraction is the statue of king of sarangpur hanuman which is believed to be extremely powerful and capable of removing all kinds of troubles.

The temple has a unique tradition where devotees write their troubles on a piece of paper and tie it to a coconut. They then break the coconut in front of the idol of king of sarangpur hanuman, symbolizing the removal of their problems. The temple also has a large hall where devotees can meditate and seek blessings from the Lord.

The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is considered to be one of the most sacred places of worship for Hindus, and thousands of devotees visit the temple every year to seek the blessings of king of sarangpur hanuman.

Year Event
1907 The king of sarangpur hanuman Temple was built by Swaminarayan devotees.
1940 The temple was officially registered as a public trust.
1970 The temple underwent major renovations and expansions.
2002 A new marble idol of Lord Hanuman was installed in the temple.
2020 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the temple was closed to the public for several months.

Festivals celebrated here

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 

The king of sarangpur hanuman Temple celebrates several festivals throughout the year. Some of the major festivals celebrated here include:

  1. Hanuman Jayanti: This festival is celebrated in honor of Lord Hanuman’s birth, which falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Chaitra. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm, and devotees flock to the temple to offer prayers and seek blessings from the king of sarangpur hanuman
  2. Diwali: Diwali, the festival of lights, is also celebrated with great fervor at the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple. The temple is decorated with lights and flowers, and devotees light diyas and offer prayers to king of sarangpur hanuman
  3. Navratri: Navratri is a nine-day festival that is celebrated twice a year, and it is dedicated to the worship of the Goddess Durga. The king of sarangpur hanuman Temple also celebrates this festival, and devotees offer prayers to both Lord Hanuman and Goddess Durga during this time.
  4. Ram Navami: This festival is celebrated to mark the birth of Lord Rama, and it falls on the ninth day of the Hindu month of Chaitra. The king of sarangpur hanuman Temple also celebrates this festival, and devotees offer prayers and seek blessings from Lord Hanuman.

Apart from these festivals, the temple also celebrates other important occasions such as Guru Purnima, Janmashtami, and Shivratri. The celebrations at the king of sarangpur hanuman Temple are marked by devotional singing, chanting of prayers, and elaborate poojas.

If you wish to witness the sheer glory of the Kashtbhanjandev Aarti Darshan LIVE then see below. It is an extravagant affair where hundreds of Hanuman bhaktas pour in this shrine and seek the Lord’s blessings.

Sarangpur Temple Live Aarti Darshan

sarangpur hanuman 
sarangpur hanuman 
If you wish to witness the sheer glory of the Kashtbhanjandev Aarti Darshan LIVE then see below. It is an extravagant affair where hundreds of Hanuman bhaktas pour in this shrine and seek the Lord’s blessings.

How to reach Sarangpur Temple?

The Sarangpur Temple is located in the Sarangpur village of Gujarat, India. There are several ways to reach the temple, depending on your starting location:

  1. By Air: The nearest airport to
  2. sarangpur hanuman
  3.  is the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport in Ahmedabad, which is approximately 130 km away. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the temple.
  4. By Train: The nearest railway station is in Botad, which is approximately 30 km away from the temple. You can take a train to Botad from major cities in India and then hire a taxi or take a bus to reach the temple.
  5. By Road: Sarangpur is well-connected to major cities in Gujarat by road. You can take a bus or hire a taxi to reach the temple from Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Rajkot, and other nearby cities.

Once you reach Sarangpur, the temple is easily accessible from the main road. You can park your vehicle outside the temple complex and enter the temple through the main entrance.

There are many hotels available to stay near the king of sarangpur hanuman. There is also a Dharamshala nearby. Some of the places to check in include:

Hotels nearby: Where to stay?

  • Hotel Hilton:  GJ SH 36, Gujarat 382450
  • The Parkland Hotel: Behind Swaminarayan Temple, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Hotel Manila: Opposite Railway Station, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
  • Hotel Samir: Ahead Cadila Railway Cross, GIDC Industrial Estate, Vatva Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Lakshmi Hotel: N H No.8, Opposite Mony Hotel, Isanpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Shere Punjab Hotel: Sindhi Market, Under Railway Fly Over, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Tulsi Dining Hall: Near Patel Bhavan, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Prithvi Hotels Gujarat Private Limited: L G Corner, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Moscow Hotel:  Near Maninagar Post Office, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • Hotel Marvellous Private Limited: Near Apsara Cinema, Kankaria, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
  • One option is to stay in the nearby city of Bhavnagar, which is about 50 kilometers from Salangpur. Bhavnagar has a range of hotels and guesthouses, from budget to luxury. Some popular options include the EFCEE Sarovar Portico Bhavnagar, The Fern Bhavnagar – Iscon Club and Resort, and the Nilambag Palace Hotel.Another option is to stay in the city of Ahmedabad, which is about 110 kilometers from Salangpur. Ahmedabad is a larger city with more accommodation options, including hotels, guesthouses, and serviced apartments. Some popular options include the Courtyard by Marriott Ahmedabad, the Novotel Ahmedabad, and the Hyatt Ahmedabad.If you’re looking for a more immersive experience, you could also consider staying at a homestay or farmstay near Salangpur. These types of accommodations will allow you to experience the local culture and way of life more closely. Some options include the Rangpur Farmstay and the Mandavdhare Farmstay.

Places to visit near Sarangpur

Shiv Shakti Temple: This temple is situated at Abhapur where the principal deity of worship is Lord Shiva. There are images of Surya Dev and his consort Suryani in the temple and hence, this temple is also known as the Sun Temple. The temple situated on a low height hillock is an excellent example of Nagar shaily. This Sun Temple is unique with it a statue of Lord Shiva, which showing different moods on the face as per your elevation of viewing, this is “Chaturangi” type temple.king of sarangpur hanuman

Shree Jagannath Temple: The Jagannath Temple dedicated to the Hindu God Jagannath hosts the annual chariot festival, Rath Yatra. The rath yatra entourage passes through different parts of the city of Ahmedabad covering a distance of about 14-km.

Bhadrakali Maa Temple: Bhadrakali Maa Temple is known as one of the oldest and ancient temple in Located inside Bhadra Fort, Near Lal Darwaja, in the Ahmedabad city, Gujarat. Bhadrakali Temple was built during the ruler of Mega city Ahmedabad namely Aazam Khan. The Bhadra fort once encompassed Approximately 12 gates, 189 bastions, and 6000 battlements.

Ayodhyapuram Jain Temple: The temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Rishabh Dev, the first Jain Tirthankara. Shri Ayodhyapuram Teerth located at Gujarat is a Jain pilgrimage centre.  The teerth kshetra was built under the inspiration of Panyas Pravar Spiritual Head Sri Abhaysagarji Maharaj Saheb.  A large stone weighing about 300 tonnes was brought from a mine about 70 kms away from Jaipur to this place. The idol of the Lord was carved here. The walls and pillars of the temple are adorned with specimens of ancient art. The idol has been beautifully carved from a single stone.

ISKCON Temple: The ISKCON Temple in Ahmedabad is located close to the Gujarat Samachar Press. This temple dedicated to Lord Krishna and his consort Radha. The ISKCON Temple in Ahmedabad offers the perfect spot for mediation. The temple with its calm and peaceful atmosphere offers the perfect spot to spend some quiet time with oneself. The temple hosts festivals such as Janmastami which is the birthday of Lord Krishna and is attended by a large number of people from across the state.

Shri Bhimnath Temple: The Bhimnath Mahadev temple is located in Akot. According to the well-known archaeologist V H Sonawane, the period of the city’s founding can be traced from the pavement stones used at this temple which bear the mason marks dating back to the 2nd century BC. It was the spot where the first human settlement came up along the Vishwamitri River, which is almost 2,200 years ago.

  1. Bhavnagar: Bhavnagar is a city located about 40 km from Sarangpur Hanuman Temple. It is known for its rich cultural heritage and architecture, including the Takhteshwar Temple, the Gandhi Smriti Museum, and the Barton Library and Museum.
  2. Palitana: Palitana is a holy city located about 60 km from Sarangpur Hanuman Temple. It is famous for its Shatrunjaya Hill, which has more than 800 Jain temples. The temples are spread over the hill, and you can climb up to the top for a beautiful view of the surrounding area.
  3. Lothal: Lothal is an ancient Indus Valley Civilization site located about 100 km from Sarangpur Hanuman Temple. It is one of the most well-preserved sites of the Indus Valley Civilization and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can explore the ruins of the city, including its dockyards, streets, and houses.
  4. Velavadar National Park: Velavadar National Park is a wildlife sanctuary located about 70 km from king of sarangpur hanuman Temple. It is home to the Indian blackbuck, a species of antelope, as well as other wildlife such as wolves, foxes, and jackals. You can take a safari through the park to see the animals in their natural habitat.
  5. Ahmedabad: Ahmedabad is a city located about 160 km from king of sarangpur hanuman Temple. It is the largest city in Gujarat and is known for its rich history, architecture, and culture. Some of the top attractions in Ahmedabad include the Sabarmati Ashram, the Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, and the Adalaj Stepwell.

FAQs on Sarangpur Temple

  1. What is the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman located in Sarangpur, Gujarat, India. It is one of the most famous Hanuman temples in India and attracts thousands of devotees every year.
  2. What is the history of Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple was built in the 18th century by Swaminarayan, the founder of the Swaminarayan Sampraday. It is believed that Lord Hanuman himself appeared in the dream of Swaminarayan and requested him to build a temple dedicated to him in Sarangpur.
  3. What is the significance of Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is believed to be a powerful temple for Lord Hanuman devotees. It is said that offering prayers and performing rituals at the temple can help in overcoming obstacles, achieving success, and obtaining blessings.
  4. What are the timings of Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is open for darshan from early morning to late evening. The temple timings vary depending on the day and season, so it is advisable to check the official website or contact the temple authorities for accurate timings.
  5. What are the rituals and festivals celebrated at Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? Various rituals and festivals are celebrated at the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple, including daily aarti and bhajans, Hanuman Jayanti, Diwali, and Navratri. The temple is also known for its unique tradition of offering live rats as prasad to Lord Hanuman, which is believed to be a centuries-old tradition.
  6. Is there any dress code to visit Sarangpur Hanuman Temple? There is no strict dress code to visit the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple, but it is advisable to dress modestly and avoid wearing revealing or inappropriate clothing out of respect for the temple’s sanctity and cultural norms.
  7. What are the general temple timings of Sarangpur Hanuman Temple?

    9:00 am to 8:00 pm are the standard timings of Shri Hanuman Mandir.

    Am I allowed to take pictures inside Sarangpur Temple?

    No, you are not allowed photography. It is strictly prohibited.

    What does Kashtbhanjan mean?

    The word Kashtbhanjandev means ‘crusher of sorrows’.

    What is Sarangpur famous for?

    Sarangpur is famous for its Shri Hanuman Mandir where devotees seek the blessings of the almighty Hanumana to eliminate negative spirits from their mind.

    The architecture of the Sarangpur Hanuman mandir

    The Sarangpur Hanuman mandir is a Hindu temple located in the Sarangpur village in Gujarat, India. It is a famous pilgrimage site dedicated to Lord Hanuman, one of the most revered deities in the Hindu pantheon.

    The architecture of the Sarangpur Hanuman mandir is influenced by the traditional Hindu temple architecture style, which is characterized by intricate carvings, ornate sculptures, and a pyramidal tower known as a shikhara. The temple complex has several shrines dedicated to various deities, but the main shrine is dedicated to Lord Hanuman.

    The main temple structure is built using pink sandstone and has a large dome-shaped shikhara that rises above the temple. The shikhara is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures of Hindu deities, and it is topped with a golden kalash (a pot-like structure used in Hindu rituals). The temple’s facade features intricate carvings of mythological scenes, deities, and animals, including elephants, lions, and peacocks.

    The temple complex also includes a spacious courtyard surrounded by smaller shrines, a beautiful garden, and a large hall for prayer and meditation. The interior of the temple is decorated with colorful paintings, murals, and sculptures depicting scenes from Hindu mythology.

    Overall, the architecture of the Sarangpur Hanuman mandir is a beautiful example of traditional Hindu temple architecture, with its intricate carvings, beautiful sculptures, and soaring shikhara. The temple’s design and decorations reflect the devotion and artistry of the craftsmen who built it, and it continues to be a popular pilgrimage site for devotees of Lord Hanuman.

    People also ask

    What is the name of Hanumanji in Sarangpur?

    The name of Lord Hanuman in the king of sarangpur hanuman Temple is “Kashtbhanjandev”. The word “Kashtbhanjan” means “destroyer of sorrows”, and it is believed that Lord Hanuman has the power to remove all the obstacles and troubles from one’s life. Hence, Lord Hanuman is also known as “Sankat Mochan”, which means “one who dispels all dangers and troubles”.

    The Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is one of the most revered temples in India, dedicated to Lord Hanuman. It is located in the Sarangpur village in Gujarat and is believed to have been built over 350 years ago. The temple is famous for its intricate carvings, beautiful murals, and stunning architecture. The idol of Lord Hanuman in the temple is placed in a silver throne and is considered to be one of the most powerful and effective deities to seek blessings from.

    The temple is visited by thousands of devotees every day, who come to offer their prayers and seek blessings from Lord Kashtbhanjandev. It is believed that offering prayers to Lord Hanuman can bring peace, prosperity, and good health. The temple is also famous for its spiritual significance and is said to have a calming effect on the mind. Many visitors come here to find solace and seek blessings from king of sarangpur hanuman.

    In addition to its spiritual significance, the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is also known for its social welfare activities. The temple runs several programs to help the underprivileged and the needy, including food distribution, education, and healthcare services. Visitors can contribute to these noble causes by making donations at the temple.

    Overall, the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is a place of great significance for Hindus, and Lord Kashtbhanjandev is one of the most revered deities in the Hindu pantheon. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a history buff, or just someone looking for a peaceful getaway, a visit to the Sarangpur Hanuman Temple is sure to leave a lasting impression on you.

    Shree Kashtabhanjan Dev Hanumanji Temple, Salangpur.
    map location of  Sarangpur Hanuman mandir

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